Friday, October 8, 2010


I feel like nobody reads my blog... haha, anyway, for those who does- I am so so soooo sorry for being MIA for the past 2 months. I've been busy packing for the new house so I haven't had time to do reviews and whatnot, but I will definitely do a bunch load of posts once I've settled into my new home. The most anticipated posts that I've been wanting to do are:

1) What's in my bag?
2) Make-up storage.

Reasons being? I LOVE WATCHING OTHER PEOPLE'S VIDEOS ON THOSE TWO TOPICS!! :D Anyway, this was just a quick update over my piles of mess. Videos to come soon. See ya !

1 comment:

  1. Keep up with posting!

    Eventually people are going to read it if you post more :)

