So this past weekend, I finally decided to do my mass order of Bonnebell lip products because I just couldn't wait any longer! I know I currently have no space to add any more stuff to my exploding closet and makeup collection, but I've waited too long. And today, my package arrived! I believe that every girl out there must have had at least ONE LipSmacker in their lifetime, and a good percentage of us probably haven't touched one since age 9. I don't know about you girls, but I love, love, LOVE Bonnebell. I don't care how "childish" I'll look when I'm seen at the club or at the bar with a LipSmacker or Bonnebell gloss, I LOVE IT! Enough of me blabbing, here are the goods! =]

*vanilla smooch
*cherry bling

*strawberry gelato
*sweet sugar

*vitagloss o2
*vitagloss moisture stick
*vitagloss a splash of color

*strawberry parfait
*vanilla swirl

*strawberries and cream
*cherry cola float

*vanilla dream
*strawberry scoop
*banana split

*vanilla sprinkle/sugar blush
*strawberry whirl/sweet pink

I know, you've probably noticed that I didn't get THE LipSmacker. To be honest, I did grow out of my LipSmacker phase LOL. My first one was this shimmery blue rasberry one, and yes, it really was blue. However, I still love Bonnebell. :]
What's YOUR favorite LipSmacker/Bonnebell lip product?